Asiades is a company, which designs, develops and produces stylish dining and lounge furniture. The creative- and sales office with 3000 m² showroom is originated in the east of the Netherlands, Apeldoorn, while production takes place in Asia. The back office of Asiades is located in Surabaya where local account managers and IT specialists assist the company.
Asiades has grown to five production facilities in Asia and is still growing! Every factory has its own product line or product type. Four of the factories are located in China; one is located in Surabaya, Indonesia.
Our 3000 m² showroom is a statement on itself; it provides a great insight into our company and it basically reflects who we really are and what we are all about whole year round. We call it our 'creative temple'. Here we can show our collections in the same ambiance as we create on our shows.
Our contemporary collections and retailconcept are provided with essential point of sale material and worldwide selective distribution.